Struggling with a Collections Flop?

Today we're diving into a topic that every one of us dreads and many of us will encounter at some point in our careers: what to do when your collection release is a flop. First, let me just say that if this has already happened to you, you're not alone. I've been there, and so have countless other artists. 

Alright, let’s start with the emotional side. It’s totally normal to feel disappointed, frustrated, or even embarrassed if you don’t sell a large percentage of your art right after releasing it. Trust me, I get it. We have all seen those artists online who release a collection of 20 paintings and they’re all gone in an hour - or sometimes even less.

And I’m sure selling out a collection like that must feel fantastic. I got really close once: selling most of a collection of really small inexpensive paintings in the first day and it was kind of amazing. But selling out a collection like that is not the norm. I myself am thrilled if I sell one or two paintings from a collection release in my first week.

This is good enough for me because:

  1. I’ve been doing this long enough to know that everything sells eventually.
  2. I know that when people are buying large pieces of art (which is the bulk of what I paint) it should not be an impulse buy. People should be able to buy when they’re ready. 
  3. If I don’t sell out a collection I actually have inventory to offer people when they come to look. 
  4. I have work to send to my galleries and place with my local interior designers which makes us all happy. 

So stop looking at that collection release as a flop and start thinking of it as an opportunity.

Now once you've had a moment to breathe, it’s time to look at your collection launch objectively. Here are the two questions you should ask yourself:

  • Did I market my collection effectively?
  • How many eyes did I get on my work?

I’m going to assume here that your work is good and people genuinely like it. So in my experience the problem with not selling anything at all from a collection release comes down to these two things. And of course before you can market effectively, you have to build an audience to market to. 

So based on your answers to these two questions, start thinking about what changes you can make for your next release. This could involve the strategies I discuss for building your audience, and/or building a better marketing plan and making better use of your email list and social media.

When a collection flops, it's easy to start doubting your talent or questioning why you’re doing this in the first place. Give yourself a little space to reconnect with why you started creating art. Revisit your earlier works or engage in some creative time without the pressure of producing something to sell. This helps reignite your passion and reminds you that your worth isn’t tied to selling out a collection.

In fact this experience is an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your craft. Every successful artist has faced setbacks, and it's how you respond to them that shapes your future. So, if your collection didn’t go as planned, take a deep breath, learn from it, and get back to creating. I believe in you, and I’m over here cheering you on.

All the best,



P.S. If you know any artists who would enjoy this email, please forward it to them!

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